Friday, December 02, 2005

You know you away from the US when....

I received my official invitation to apply for residency in New Zealand! Now I get to go get chest X-Rays, FBI files, and other fun documentation.

Also, I saw some new VW car today I not see before, the Touran. I saw it and thought to myself it's odd I didn't know about this car. I've always been mildly a car buff and a big fan of V-dubs, so why didn't I know about this? Then it hit me, I'm no longer emerged the ultimate consumer society of the US. A dramatic realization I came about subtly is how much less advertising I am exposed to, moreover that I don't have that itch to buy stuff anymore. Don't know if it just me and not my environment, but I dig the change.

Happy Friday, y'all.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Watch out for the Santarchists! Don't let them get drunk and steal from you. Merry Christmas!