Tuesday, November 02, 2004

A-Day is coming to a close.

A for adventure. It's official with my submitting of resignation to work. But as Anna Pilar my yoga instructor said tonight, "Where one thing ends another begins, as everything is a circle." Well, I think life only stops happening when you allow it to. This is my cattle prod way of intruducing an significant dose of adventure, challenge, and novelty into my own life. No ticket, yet the plan is to leave within the first two weeks of January on what is not only the adventure of a lifetime, but the adventure of life. For those of you who don't know the plan, here it is:

Leave Jan. 2005 for Australia
Backpack in Australia for 6 weeks, Fiji for a month, and New Zealand for a month.
Settle down into employment in NZ for ~ 8 months and save money.
Then travel on to South East Asia for 2-3 months (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand)
Continue into India for ~2 months
Then on to an Eastern & Western tour of Europe, hopefully punctuated with employment if only for 6 months.
Then if I make it that far, come back to the US (no specific destination).

All told, I'm looking at about a 2 year trip. Yet, this trip is very open to alteration and spotenaity.

Why am I doing this? I'll attack that question soon, and revise it many times I'm sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shoulda known you'd still fit in that massage!